Energy Insights2021-08-19T18:03:34+00:00

Energy Insights

HPC and The American Jobs Plan

President Biden recently introduced the American Jobs Plan to create the “most resilient, innovative economy in the world” through improving the nation’s infrastructure. The proposal outlines aggressive initiatives to support and enhance the use and accessibility of electric vehicles and EV charging stations and energy-efficient buildings. Of course, substantial .: READ MORE :.

Hampshire Power Expands Offerings in Hansen Partnership

Hampshire Power is a vertically integrated retail electricity supplier that bundles distributed energy resources (solar, battery, EV chargers) and Community Solar (CS) discounts with the electricity supply to bring maximum savings and energy simplicity to our Commercial and Industrial customers. This unique approach needs an integrated data and billing solution .: READ MORE :.

Powering Public Transport: Pioneer Valley Transit Authority

Businesses and organizations are starting to aggressively embrace the climate-conscious values of the people they serve. For some organizations, addressing climate-related goals impacts almost every part of their operation. Public transportation, for example, relies heavily on fossil fuels. Electric buses are still a novelty, and pandemic-induced financial struggles from .: READ MORE :.

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